Vertigo Screen ShotsIn many of the screen shots you can see the ordinary arrow cursor. This is not part of the game. It was a side-effect of the screenshots. A few of the screen shots show the true cursor, a small light blue cross (different from the central target which is much larger). The animated GIFs are fairly grainy. This is because animated GIFs (and all other GIFs) are limited to 256 colors. It is not a reflection of the quality of the game. A shot of the player's laser decimating an asteroid. Light blue projectile ion bolts are the simplest weapon in the game. The picture below shows an asteroid turning to dust. Note the beautiful shot of Earth in the picture above. The moon is also visible in the game. A slick shot of an asteroid getting blown to smithereens just after an ion bolt hit it. You can see the sun glowing in one corner of this shot as well. Bombs explode into a cloud of glowing green plasma shrapnel. The picture above shows an asteroid suffering the consequences, the picture below shows an enemy ship being taken out. Massive dogfights are one the best parts of the game. You can see the plumes of fire streaking behind each ship's engines. The player heading straight into a cloud of enemies as laser and ion bolt fire surrounds him. Pickups are available for all the weapons and for shields. In the picture above the player has just crashed into an asteroid. In the picture below, the player collided head on with an enemy. There are three types of ships in the game. The shots above and below show two of the different kinds of ships as enemies strafe by the player at close range. ![]()